Chicken, Chorizo & Sweet Potato Salad

A delicious warm salad that makes for a perfect light lunch or dinner option. Chicken and chorizo are high in protein and together with healthy slow released carbohydrates from the sweet potato, these flavours complement each other really well! Add in some extra nutritious colours to the salad for a tasty and rewarding meal that’s perfect after a heavy training session!

Serves: 2     |     Prep time: 5 mins     |     Cook time: 15 mins     |     Difficulty: Easy

Chicken, chorizo & sweet potato salad | Recipes



  1. Preheat oven to 200 degrees.
  2. Chop the sweet potato into small cubes and spread onto a baking tray, mixed well with tbsp. Paprika, 1 tsp. Rapeseed oil and season with salt and pepper. Bake in the oven for 15 mins, turning once after 10 mins.
  3. Whilst the sweet potato is baking, finely slice the chorizo into cubes and chicken breast into strips. Heat a tsp. rapeseed oil into a frying pan and cook the chicken and chorizo with a good crack of pepper over medium heat for 10 mins or until cooked through.
  4. Cut the beetroot into small cubes and scatter onto a plate with the salad leaves and sliced cherry tomatoes.
  5. Top the salad with chicken, chorizo and sweet potato.

200g chicken breast

30g chorizo

1 medium sweet potato

2 tsp rapeseed oil

Tbsp. paprika

2 handfuls mixed salad leaves

1 beetroot

8-10 cherry tomatoes

Nutritional information per serving

Calories: 374kcal     |     Protein: 33g     |     Carbohydrate: 30g     |     Fat: 12g

High Protein Recipe E-Book
5 simple and delicious recipes to help you build muscle and improve your performance & recovery
Danny Webber Performance Nutritionist

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