Physiological Testing

Don't Guess... TEST!

We offer extensive physiological testing to remove the guesswork from your training, so you know your energy requirements and exactly how to fuel your training to maximise your performance.

As a part of our physiological tests, we personalise your nutrition and fueling strategies to match your energy requirements for optimal training adaptations and competitive performance.

The useful data obtained from the physiological assessment can also be shared with your coaches to ensure your training meets your needs. For example lactate threshold data is essential to accurately structure your training volume and intensity to maximise your running, cycling and triathlon performance.

Harness your physiology test data to improve training and take your performance to the next level!

Hydration Testing


Hydration is key for performance, but do you know exactly how much & what you lose through sweat during training? We measure your total sweat and sodium loss during exercise to give you precise recommendations on what and how much you need to drink to maintain hydration and optimise your performance! This is one of the most recommended physiological tests for elite athletes competing in endurance sports such as triathlon.

Hydration Testing For Elite Athletes
Body Composition Testing

Body Composition Analysis


Track your body composition (body fat and muscle mass) to assess your current physique and to monitor the impact of your nutrition and training for achieving your goals e.g. fat loss, muscle gain. Body composition is a key determinant for optimal athletic performance, but it’s also… 

Blood Analysis

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Our extensive blood analysis profiling ensures you are free from any potential nutrient deficiencies and hormone imbalances to maximise your energy levels and performance by measuring key sport-specific and health related biomarkers.

blood analysis

Hydration is key for performance, but do you know exactly how much & what you lose through sweat during training?…..

Hydration Testing For Elite Athletes

Track your body composition (body fat and muscle mass) to assess your current physique and to monitor the impact of….

Body Composition Testing

Our Services

Tailored nutrition strategies for athletes of all levels to take their performance to the next level. Together we identify what and when you need to eat to get the most out of your training to optimise performance, training adaptations and recovery. Learn More
Performance Nutrition
If you want to lose weight, gain muscle or create a healthier relationship with food, achieve your goals by creating a healthy nutrition lifestyle. This is not a quick fix, it’s a lifestyle! Create a diet that works for you for long-term success. Learn More
healthy nutrition lifestyle

Health and Weight Management

Practical and informative sessions to educate your team of athletes and coaches, your gym members or students about the importance of nutrition and strategies used to maximise athletic performance, training adaptations and body composition. Learn More
Nutrition Workshops | Performance Nutrition

Workshops and Presentations

Danny can work with your team to maximise the team’s performance, training adaptations and recovery. Services include 1-2-1 consultations, group sessions, team talks, nutrition audits, menu planning and team supplement strategies Learn More
Sports Team Nutrition Workshop

Sports Team Consultancy

Knowing how your body functions and metabolises food during exercise allows your nutrition and training to be tailored according to your physiological requirements and training goals, to maximise performance, training adaptations and body composition. Learn More
Lactate Threshold Physiological Test

Physiological Testing

Nutrition is often overlooked in the workplace and if employee health is not addressed, it’s your business that will suffer. Improve sickness records and performance by educating your staff about how to make better nutrition, exercise and lifestyle choices.
Learn More

Corporate Nutrition | Performance Nutrition

Corporate Nutrition

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Get in touch to discuss how we can work together!
Danny Webber Performance Nutritionist

15 min
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Chat with Danny to learn how you can improve your nutrition to take your performance to the next level!