Team Performance Nutrition Consultant Services

We deliver the highest standard of Team Performance nutrition consultant services through a 1:1 consultancy and interdisciplinary team approach to help each athlete optimize their performance!

Performance Nutrition Workshop for Clubs

Danny is a nutrition consultant who works closely with each member of the team to leave no stone unturned when it comes to nutrition strategies to achieve peak performance goal. Individualised fuelling strategies are implemented to ensure each professional athlete’s training and game-day performance nutrition is aligned to maximising team performance, recovery and training adaptations.

The Sports Team Performance Nutrition Consultant Services is here to provide nutritional support and guidance to each player and support staff within a sports team or organisation to maximise fuelling strategies and take the team’s performance to the next level. The Nutrition consultation services include and are not limited to:

  • Team menu planning
  • One-to-one athlete support
  • Training and match day supplement strategies
  • Seasonal nutrition periodisation
  • Travel nutrition 
  • Team talk and group nutrition workshops 

Roles of the Nutrition Consultant

– Team menu planning
– One-to-one athlete support
– Interdisciplinary team liaison and support
– ISAK 8 site skinfold body composition analysis
– Training and match day supplement strategies
– Seasonal nutrition periodisation
– Travel nutrition strategies and menu planning
– Team talks and group workshop


Our Success Story


Liam Pitchford

UK #1 And World #15 Table Tennis Player

I can’t thank you enough Danny for the help you’ve given me so far. Working with you I’ve learned a whole new side to nutrition and hydration, especially what I should be eating before certain practices and fitness sessions to give me all the help I can get. I’ve certainly seen a step up in my energy levels which in table tennis matches can give you an edge and that’s what I’m looking for being at the top of the game. I saw changes almost immediately and that showed in my 3 performances before lock down, beating the world no.1 in one of the events and many top-level players!

Marcus Mohr

Marcus Mohr

Touring Professional Golfer

It is essential in my profession to have the right fuel for training and performing. I have worked with Danny Webber since 2019. Danny has helped me understand the importance of correct nutrition for my lifestyle and sporting performance. Since working with Danny I have seen an increase in my strength in the gym and on the golf course, allowing me to have sustained energy throughout the day in different climates and elevation.

Danny is always there for me then I need him, even when I am in a different country and need advice on what and when to eat.

I cannot recommend highly enough. He will always be on my team.

jon park

Jon Park

World's Toughest Mudder, OCR Athlete

I’ve worked with Danny over the last two years and the change has been phenomenal. I have always been into fitness and set myself a challenge of a 24hour event. I competed in Worlds Toughest Mudder the year before and got my nutrition all wrong. Working with Danny improved all my performances from energy levels, PB’s and race results throughout the year and then I went back the next year and improved my result massively. I am continuing to work with Danny going forward and have set myself a few challenges this year.

The fact I’m still working with Danny shows you that I fully back his recommendations and would highly recommend his services.

Roles of the Nutrition Consultant / Performance Nutritionist

– Team menu planning
– One-to-one athlete support
– Seasonal nutrition periodisation
– Team talks and group workshop
– Interdisciplinary team liaison and support
– Travel nutrition strategies and menu planning
– Training and match day supplement strategies
– ISAK 8 site skinfold body composition analysis

Work With Me...

Get in touch to discuss how we can work together!

Work With Me...

Get in touch to discuss how we can work together!

Frequently Asked Questions

Nutrition for sports performance is all about ensuring an athlete's daily diet and fuelling strategies are the best they can be to maximise performance in training and on race or game days. The right nutrition can allow an athlete to achieve their full potential, whereas poor nutrition can significantly impair performance.

Athletes train hard to be the best they can be. However, if they're not fuelling right, they aren't going to see the results they need. Every athlete has specific nutritional requirements, so their performances will suffer if they're not fuelling each day correctly.

The main aim of a sports nutritionist is to ensure an athlete knows what foods they need to eat and when they need to eat them to fuel their body right for optimal training adaptations, recovery and body composition. A well-structured sports nutrition plan is designed to meet each athlete's specific nutritional requirements through a food-first approach, with the addition of well-researched key supplements to maximise performance when it matters most.

The performance nutritionist is responsible for identifying and improving the areas of an athlete's diet to enhance their ability to train, recovery and compete. Individualised nutrition strategies are designed to educate an athlete to create sustainable dietary habits and fuelling strategies to maximise their health, performance and body composition.

The 3 T's - the Total, Type and Timing of what an athlete eats is critical to optimise their training and competitive performances. Collectively, this ensures an athlete is fuelling and recovering properly, and getting all the calories and (macro and micro) nutrients they need specific to their performance and body composition, whilst maximising their health and minimising the risk of injury.

Danny Webber Performance Nutritionist

15 min
Free Consultation

Chat with Danny to learn how you can improve your nutrition to take your performance to the next level!