Success stories


Liam Pitchford

UK #1 and World #15 Table Tennis Player

I can’t thank you enough Danny for the help you’ve given me so far. Working with you I’ve learned a whole new side to nutrition and hydration, especially what I should be eating before certain practices and fitness sessions to give me all the help I can get. I’ve certainly seen a step up in my energy levels which in table tennis matches can give you an edge and that’s what I’m looking for being at the top of the game. I saw changes almost immediately and that showed in my 3 performances before lock down, beating the world no.1 in one of the events and many top-level players!


Marcus Mohr

Touring Professional golfer.

It is essential in my profession to have the right fuel for training and performing. I have worked with Danny Webber since 2019. Danny has helped me understand the importance of correct nutrition for my lifestyle and sporting performance. Since working with Danny I have seen an increase in my strength in the gym and on the golf course, allowing me to have sustained energy throughout the day in different climates and elevation.

Danny is always there for me then I need him, even when I am in a different country and need advice on what and when to eat.

I cannot recommend highly enough. He will always be on my team.

jon park

Jon Park

World's Toughest Mudder, OCR Athlete

I’ve worked with Danny over the last two years and the change has been phenomenal. I have always been into fitness and set myself a challenge of a 24hour event. I competed in Worlds Toughest Mudder the year before and got my nutrition all wrong. Working with Danny improved all my performances from energy levels, PB’s and race results throughout the year and then I went back the next year and improved my result massively. I am continuing to work with Danny going forward and have set myself a few challenges this year. 

The fact I’m still working with Danny shows you that I fully back his recommendations and would highly recommend his services.


Paul Economides

Professional Super Bantamweight Boxer​

Danny has overseen my nutrition for a few years now and really supported me in in the build up to my 3 fights in 2016.  He has shown me how to fuel my training properly so I have loads of energy when training 2-3 times a day and make weight without relying on last minute dehydration. Instead, we’ve had plans and targets in place to do it gradually and now I’m in the best shape of my career.

I’ve always been able to rely on Danny for great advice and with regular contact and body composition measures this kept me focused and on track. He really knows his stuff and I’d recommend Danny to any boxers needing help with their nutrition to make weight safely and fight in top condition. 


George Nott

Sale Sharks, England U20’s & Ex-Chester RUFC

Danny has been a really important part of my development as a young rugby player. He was the first person to fully support me with my nutrition, and I still regularly ask Danny for advice about my diet as he is very approachable and his advice is extremely helpful and reliable. As my career progresses I will definitely continue to consult with Danny for nutritional guidance and support. Nutrition has a huge part to play in rugby and I would recommend any young rugby players to contact Danny for honest nutritional support.

Chloe Sparrow Triathlete

Chloe Sparrow

AG 70.3 triathlete

I contacted Danny after entering my first 70.3 triathlon. I had already been training for a while but I was clueless when it came to how much I should be eating and what I should be eating around training sessions.

The support that Danny gave me was excellent – the nutrition planning was always really thorough and easy to follow. Very quickly I had gone from always feeling tired, under fuelled and craving unhealthy food to feeling satisfied, having higher energy levels and noticing improvements in my training.

I have just completed my first Half Ironman distance race – Danny supported me throughout, including the weeks up to the race, the carb loading the day before and the race day nutrition, all of which I would have been clueless about, I had a brilliant race and I honestly wouldn’t have got through the race if it wasn’t for Danny!

Danny has such great knowledge around nutrition, he was always there for advice and it is clear that he is passionate about helping individuals achieve their goals. I have learnt so much from Danny and throughout the time I worked with him I have smashed numerous PB’s, which I strongly believe is partly down to Danny – he has really helped me grow as an athlete and I cant recommend him enough!

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Jonathan Brown

Ironman Triathlete

After starting triathlon around 3 years ago with the main aim of ultimately losing weight and just getting fitter, 2 years into this journey I was much fitter but really struggled to lose the weight, so I knew it had to be down to my diet. I gave Danny a message for some help in this area and over the last year it has been the best thing I’ve done! Within weeks I felt different had more energy and started losing weight. Also was eating much more than I’d normally eat.
I became much healthier and far fitter than I was before this, which really showed in races and the huge increase in power numbers I was pushing on the bike. Danny helps and guides you through every step, and if ever I needed any advice, he was only a phone call away, which was great. He helped me lose over 15kg in weight and helped me complete 2 Ironman distance races this year. I look forward to continuing to work with Danny over the coming years, thanks for your help, second to none 👍
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Ross White

Chester RUFC & Cheshire Rugby Player

I have been working with Danny as a semi professional rugby player for a number of years now. He has assisted me in achieving goals such as losing body fat whilst maintaining my weight, enabling me to play at a more competitive level. He takes a very professional approach when speaking about nutrition, and breaks the jargon down for everyone to achieve a better understanding. Great guy as well.


John Coffino

Former Head Coach of Cheshire Phoenix Basketball Club

Daniel worked closely with the Cheshire Phoenix players during the 2014-2015 season when I was Head Coach. He supported the players both as a team and individually to ensure their diet and nutrition allowed them to train and perform at the highest level. Diet and nutrition are important for performance, and the corrections he made to the players’ diets and nutritional strategies were crucial to our success in the past season.

Daniel continually showed a motivated and enthusiastic mentality towards the players and the coaches, and demonstrated a true passion for nutrition. Daniel always communicated effectively with the players and coaching staff, and kept myself up-to-date with everything he was doing. He showed a very professional approach in supporting the team and I wish him the very best of luck for the future.

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Jed Kerkin

Rugby Player - RGC

Danny has been a massive help with regards to my nutrition! He helped me recover effectively from a shoulder reconstruction to ensure I maintained muscle mass without gaining too much unnecessary weight. His attention to detail really helped my recovery time and made the necessary changes during my rehab to get me back on the pitch much quicker. Thanks Danny.

Sophie Gray

Sophie Gray

World Class Start Rower

Danny is great to work with, super knowledgeable, responsive and gives you clear and extremely personalised nutritional support. I had been trying to reduce my body fat down but had been struggling to meet the demands of training while doing this, as I was repeatedly becoming ill and injured. Danny looked at my food diary and gave me clear, easy changes which we continued to adjust throughout my time working with him. I gained a much better understanding of how to properly fuel
my body, and figured out the balance between losing weight and also performing at my best. He gave me great advice on race day nutrition and supplements which were a massive help. I would definitely recommend him to anyone needing help with their nutrition.
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Andrew Austin

Shiftworker & Recreational Endurance Athlete

I contacted Danny in June 2016 in need of help with my nutrition. I’m not a professional sports person, just an ordinary person who enjoys training regularly and I wasn’t getting results. My shift work and hours were severely hampering my training, and finding that something was not quite right. I increased my training levels to see if that would get me the results I wanted but I still struggling with energy levels and recovery especially after work.
The more I thought about it the more it was pointing to my food. Even though I knew nutrition was important my diet was poor. I thought that I understood what the right things to eat at the right time were, and I am not a great cook at all but didn’t know how to align it all together, so that’s when I got in touch with Danny. We talked about what I wanted to achieve and he explained to me about where I was going wrong and how this could be applied to my lifestyle. At first it was difficult with my nightshift work patterns and adapting my training/sleeping habits, but Danny supported me through it and we made a few alterations that really helped me to stick to it. I noticed a huge difference in my energy levels particularly after a long 12 hour shift, eating at the right times in the day allowed me to train with motivation and enthusiasm. I was able to train for Delamere Commando and NW Tough Mudder, and my body composition has improved exactly how I wanted. I have maintained weight but I have become much leaner, whilst still managing to keep to my regular training schedule. A huge difference was a focus on pre event nutrition and carb loading strategies, which really boosted my performance. I can’t thank Danny enough for his help and guidance. The plan was very simply and easy to follow meaning I can now have days where I am not strict and enjoy socialising, whilst picking it up again without any problems. Danny is always there for advice if I need any tips or am struggling with anything at all. He really knows his stuff and not only is he professional but delivers on a personal level.
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Carl Henson


After 35 years of racing Motocross I started doing triathlon, and after 12 months of training and competing I found myself at a point where I needed to shed more body fat but also needed to fuel my training. I knew how to eat healthily and what food was good and bad. I tried cutting back on food but then that affected my training I was stuck at a stalemate. At this point I decided help was needed. I did my research and came across Danny Webber. A quick email later I met Danny for a consultation.
I was impressed with his knowledge and we immediately identified major floors within my diet. We agreed on a strategy going forward and the new diet began. Week one was just getting into the swing of things but already I could feel the energy was there for my workouts and recovery felt better. As the weeks progressed my body fat reduced and my energy levels were at an all-time high and the better race results soon followed. I was training for Ironman Marbella 70.3 so my nutrition and hydration plans were to prepare me for this event. I had an incredible race and beat my predicted time of 6h, finishing in 5:54:27! Danny really helped me as my energy levels were the best they’ve ever been. Nutrition is a major part of any triathlete’s road to success. Danny has great knowledge within this field and helped me achieve a level of fitness I could not have achieved on my own. If you’re looking to improve your performance, lose weight or even just want a healthier life style Webber Nutrition is the place to go. Give him a call you won’t be disappointed.
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Andrew Huddart

Semi-Professional Tennis Player & Level 3 Tennis Coach

I contacted Danny for nutritional advice in the summer, as I found that boosting my level of exercise was simply not enough to gain the results I hoped I could achieve. With Danny’s program I learned how to understand the food I eat and how my body works with this food. I truly do not believe I would have learned everything I did and feel so good about reaching my goals without his intervention.
Danny is the utmost professional yet he has a touching compassion and dedication to his clients. I am thrilled to be able to say that I worked with him. He has empowered me to grow as an athlete and as an individual and I know I can rely on Danny for any nutritional advice in the future.
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Luisa Candioli-Sub 3hr marathon runner

Luisa Candioli

Sub 3hr marathon runner

Danny is very helpful and simply fantastic, he supported my first marathon training with weekly nutrition plans and with him I regularly achieved PBs and hit my highest training volume ever, feeling healthy and always well fueled. We practiced race day fuel throughout the marathon training schedule, using the key sessions to make sure we were comfortable with the strategies. The recovery was always quick and smooth, which helped me maintain the high volume and intensity during the schedule’s peak time. On race week I was fresh and ready – we kept the
nutrition simple and specific for each day, and targeted the carb load closer to race day. I felt amazing during the whole race and passing mile 20, I still had a lot of energy to finish strong allowing me to achieve my target of a sub 3hr marathon, finishing in 2hrs 51 and 3rd lady at Manchester Marathon!! Danny also advised on key nutrition strategies and supplements to help speed up the post-race recovery. Before working with Danny, I was struggling to find a balance between training and calories intake, having ups and downs which also affected my general energy level and consistency. He made me appreciate how important and key those extra carbs, protein and fats are. I can’t recommend Danny enough!
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success stories

Ranvir Bansal

London Marathon Finisher

I first spoke to Danny towards the end of August 2018, when I found out I had a place for the prestigious London Marathon 2019!! I worked with Danny for 8 months, where he offered great advice for nutrition, which was really helpful when marathon training really ramped up. I was really impressed with his kind nature, honesty, thorough nutrition planning and continuous support throughout. He nailed the carb loading nutrition for me and told me how to stay fuelled during the race, which allowed me to run all of the distance.

Danny knows his stuff and is a genuine nice guy. Cheers Danny, I would recommend without a doubt.

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Hannah Gerrard Professional Ballet Dancer

Hannah Gerrard

Professional Ballet Dancer

As a ballet dancer my nutrition is extremely important and so I need to ensure I am fuelling my body in the best way to enable me to perform to the highest level. When we went into lockdown I really struggled to fuel my body properly and didn’t have any idea how many calories my body was using and so l ended up in a very weak position. Thankfully I found Danny just in time to get me back on track. I had a free zoom consultation with Danny where we discussed my physical training timetable and what my diet looked like.
He then gave me some ideas on simple things to add that would give me more energy and help me to safely and effectively gain muscle mass. Immediately Danny got the measure of me; initially I was afraid that he would criticise me for failing to meet my targets but instead he was completely understanding and focused on the next positive steps I needed to take. Danny was very sensitive and understanding of my fears and doubts thus our conversations have been valuable and extremely worthwhile. From the consultation I have had face to face meetings with Danny to catch up with my progress and ensure I had someone to be accountable to. This has been so important for me as each session we do a body composition analysis to see my progress. He has sent me lots of snack and smoothie recipes which have encouraged me to cook and have more autonomy with my diet. As a result of having my sessions with Danny I have been able to achieve things I never would have thought I would have been capable of, such as performing several grand pas de deuxs, challenging roles such as Odette/Odile in Swan Lake and gaining my first professional ballet contract. Danny’s help, advice, patience and encouragement enabled me to bring myself out of a dark and potentially dangerous place and allow me to pursue my dream of becoming a professional ballerina. I would highly recommend Webber Nutrition to anyone! Thank you so much Danny!
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Kemmel Atkinson with Medal

Kemmel Atkinson​


Late in 2019 I began showing GI symptoms which was soon diagnosed as a form of Colitis. Over the next 12 months I needed steroids (on 3 occasions and each time for 3 months) to manage the condition. Being a keen triathlete the Colitis and steroids compromised my ability to train or race with any confidence. In early 2021 I began working with Danny and under his guidance we began to identify the trigger foods. Over time we were able recognise more clearly what I could
and could not tolerate which began to open up my food choices once more. In addition we worked on endurance nutrition products and with Danny’s knowledge of the market and the specific ingredients within those products we were able to test this during training sets and 2 races during 2021. Throughout this time Danny was available for zoom meetings, calls and messages which gave me quick and prompt answers to my many questions. By later 2021 I was confident enough to manage matters myself. Since then I have gained a place in the European Age Group 70.3 Champs being held in September ‘22 and recently completed IMUK. Importantly too I have not needed to return to Steroids. My diet is managing the Colitis effectively and Danny deserves the utmost credit and my enduring gratitude for steering me through this process.
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Sharna Garforth – Semi-pro footballer

Sharna Garforth

Semi-pro footballer

Thank you Danny, your help has been absolutely amazing and I’m so grateful for all of your advice! I feel like you’ve helped me become comfortable with so many foods that when I was calorie counting I wouldn’t dream of eating and now I’ve managed to stop relying on MyFitnessPal and get off the scales which I never thought I would! I now feel like I can fuel myself properly and my energy levels have never been better so I honestly can’t thank you enough Danny your help
has been amazing. Thank you so much for everything.

Phil Johnson Duathlon Runner

Phil Johnson


I have always been pretty active and was never particularly overweight, but my weight was never really under control either. I didn’t think enough about my diet and I had several misconceptions about was and wasn’t ‘healthy’, and how to fuel my training. I came to the conclusion that if I wanted to achieve my goals in multisport I would need to manage my weight better. I approached Danny on the advice of my coach.
I asked Danny if he could help me achieve a lower race weight (improving my power to weight ratio) in a sustainable manner that didn’t detract from any performance gains I might be making from my training programme. In 2019 I lost 4kg between January and April to race the Pontevedra Duathlon World Championship as an age group athlete. Losing this weight by simply eating less, inhibited my ability to train and I didn’t feel strong in the race or leading up to it, particularly on the bike. I went to see Danny in July 2020 at 83kg. Following the plan he developed for me (updated weekly in line with my training plan via Training Peaks), I raced the Windermere Epicman Triathlon at 77.5kg in September, and the Cumber Park Duathlon in October under 76kg. Not only was I lighter, I put together 4 months of solid training better than I ever had before. It was a great feeling to know on the start line that I was the strongest and lightest I had ever been. Danny’s plans are simple to follow, and the meal plans and recipes have been great. But more than that Danny has helped me understand what I am trying to achieve from my diet. As a result, my behaviours around food have changed for the better and I have developed healthier habits that will stay with me long term. Finally, the race day fuelling plan and the additional tips and tricks Danny has shared really help squeeze out the percentages of performance enough.
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Craig Candler – World Strongman Games

Craig Candler

World Strongman Games

I have been working with Danny for a few years now and he has brought my nutrition on massively. He has helped me to have a much better understanding of food and supplements to help me get the most out of my training. Since starting with Danny, I have competed in the World Strongman Games twice and my performances have only continued to improve, as well as seeing great changes in my body composition. I am competing at my heaviest weight with less body fat than when we started and lifting more than ever before. Thanks Danny!

Paul Ravenscroft – Lakeland 100 Ultra Runner

Paul Ravenscroft

Lakeland 100 Ultra Runner

I started working with Danny to ensure that I had a clear nutrition strategy for the Lakeland 100 ultra-marathon. My previous ultra-marathon races had been negatively impacted by poor nutrition and sickness issues. Danny helped me optimise my vegan diet in the months leading up to the race to aid both my training and recovery. Critically, he also helped ensure that on long training runs I was
eating enough carbs to maintain my energy levels and to do this in a way that would not result in any nausea. I was surprised at how much I needed to consume but it really made a big difference. Based on my training experiences, we developed a clear nutrition plan for the entire 100 mile race. I am delighted with how well it worked. I completed the race and achieved my target time. My energy levels were great and I had no sickness issues at all. I would highly recommend working with Danny to any other ultra-runners.
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Matt Bray

Recreational Runner

Danny helped me with my nutrition to prepare me for some marathons I was training for. I knew, you could say, the basics of food in regards to the macros as I have tried all the different diets in the past but never concentrated on nutrition that will aid my performace towards racing. I achieved PBs in all 8 of my races whilst working with Danny and I now have a better understanding of what to eat and when to perform at my best. I’m also a vegetarian which hasnt been a problem as he has plenty of recipes that has catered for this. I can honestly say Danny has helped ten fold. He is very thorough, varying different strategies to find which one works best for you.

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Kris Greenslade

Self Employed Project Manager

I contacted Danny in need of help with my nutrition. I’m not a professional sports person or anything like that, just an ordinary person who enjoys training regularly and I was getting results, but still finding that something was not quite right. I increased my training levels to see if that would get me the results I wanted but I still had the stubborn fatty torso!! The more I thought about it the more it was pointing to my food. Even though I thought that I ate healthily I had never really understood what the right things to eat at the right time were, and I am not a great cook at all….so in came Danny.
He sat down with me and we talked about what I wanted to achieve and he explained to me about where I was going wrong and how I could correct it. I soon got a meal plan and with regular support from Danny I was able to stick to it. It was difficult in the first week as all I thought I was doing was buying food, cooking, washing up and nothing else. Once I got into the swing of it though, it was much easier and I actually started to enjoy cooking as the meals were easy to prepare and cook and 12 weeks later after Danny keeping me on track, my body looks totally different. I have lost weight and body fat exactly where I wanted to and have become much leaner, whilst still managing to keep to my regular training schedule. I did notice a dip in energy levels in the first two weeks but I stuck with it and it has really paid off big time. I can’t thank Danny enough for his help and guidance and the great thing is I am now following the correct eating habits without being silly but able to go out and have treats in moderation…plus he is still there if I need any tips or am struggling with anything at all. Never under estimate what the right nutrition can do for you and your lifestyle and I would recommend Danny to anyone!!
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Edd Briscoe

Semi-Pro Footballer

After quite a few years of training hard and searching the internet time and time again for the right foods to eat and the right times to eat it but still not getting the results I believed I should be getting, I came across Danny Webber Nutrition. We met for a consultation, discussed my goals, I simply told him what I was currently eating and what training I was doing and from there he worked his magic. Within a few days he planned me a personal diet plan to fit in with my work and training schedule.
This included everything from the best times to eat to what supplements to take and even included the meal recipes. The best thing about the whole plan was how simple Danny made it. No fancy dieting techniques no foods that you have to search the internet for, then import from abroad just simple everyday foods that we all have at home already. If there was a food that I didn’t particularly like, a simple text or call and Danny would just substitute it for another food and recipe to try. I can honestly say that by following this plan that it has saved me money and cut down how much waste food I used to throw away. The proof is in the results though and I was confident it was working well as within less than 2 weeks I was so much more energised and noticing the results in my training and in my match day performances and recovery afterwards. I met Danny again a month after following my diet plan and we compared my skinfold measurements to our first meeting. I was made up with my results as I had lost fat on every single part of my body!! If you are looking to tone up and get in the shape of your life to perform better, or simply feel more energised in your day to day life, don’t even give it a second thought and get in touch with Danny – I can’t recommend him enough.
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John Mew

Pen Y Fan SAS Route Challenge

I can’t thank Danny Webber enough for his support and guidance to prepare for my charity challenge. With my nutritional plans over 6 months of training I achieved my goal and completed the SAS selection route over Pen Y Fan. His attention to detail was outstanding especially with the changes in weather. His choice of food and supplements on the day of my challenge were spot on and timings to take them worked perfectly.

I would recommend Danny to anyone. Outstanding.

Lisa Steele

Lisa Steele

Paris Marathon sub 3.15hr PB

I reached out to Danny in January 2023 to see how tweaking my eating habits could possibly help my performance in running. At 42, I had got to a plateau in my running career and no matter how I changed up my routines and training I never seemed to get any quicker and it never seemed to get any easier. This was until I spoke to Danny! I sent him over my 16 week marathon plan. My aim (and my dream) was to run the Paris Marathon in 3.15. My previous PB being 3.23 in Boston, April 2022, just a year before.
Danny was able to put a nutrition plan together pairing my training runs with what and when I should be eating each day. This was a game changer! I had energy I’d never felt before and my recovery post runs was so much quicker. I hit lots of new PB’s and Danny supported and encouraged me along the way with hints, tips and advice each week. Come marathon day I’d never felt more strong or ready!………and without Danny’s help so I could understand the fuelling and carb loading that my body needed to achieve this I would’ve hit that wall early on!…….instead it was the most comfortable Marathon I have run and he got the fuelling spot on. My dream came true that day with a 3.14 finish and 9 minute PB!! I have learnt so much and I am looking forward to using all this knowledge going forward and excited to see what I can achieve in the future. Danny is invaluable to anyone looking to step up their fitness goals whatever it may be!
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Marathon Runner

Laura Barber

Marathon Runner

Danny was recommended by a friend and I have now worked with him for 6 months in the build-up to Manchester Marathon. Danny has really helped me understand how important my nutritional and calorie requirements are in supporting my training, racing, and recovery. Danny provided a structure for each week, recipes, and advice around fuelling and hydration. My confidence in how I fuel myself has increased massively – as someone with an eating disorder in my past I was worried that focusing on food again would be detrimental but it’s actually been the opposite.
I’ve increased what I’ve been eating and been rewarded with faster times in races and more energy day-to-day. So many people hit the wall on Marathon day, so to smash my goal of sub 3 hours for my first ever marathon, with a positive split and feeling like I had more to give, was an amazing feeling. Running is part training, part nutrition and I think many people neglect or don’t fully appreciate the importance of proper fuelling – I’d recommend working with Danny to anyone who wants to smash their goals!!
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Danny Webber Performance Nutritionist

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Chat with Danny to learn how you can improve your nutrition to take your performance to the next level!