
Nutrition for ACL and Achilles Tendon Injuries

By Danny Webber
Danny Webber is a SENr registered practitioner, an ISAK certified Anthropometrist and a UK Anti-Doping accredited adviser.
| Updated on April 18, 2023

Maximising the prevention and treatment through nutrition for ACL and Achilles tendon injuries should be a high priority for athletes because of the seriousness of the injury.

Tendon and ligament injuries are very common and there’s some exciting research over recent years showing effective nutrition strategies for collagen protein to reduce the risk and speed up recovery times.

Collagen is the most abundant protein in the body and is a key building block to form bone and connective tissues. A study in 2017 showed that consuming 15g collagen protein, in for the form of a vitamin C enriched gelatine 30-45 minutes before skipping exercise can enhance collagen synthesis in the working tendon tissues.

The infographic above demonstrates a range of excellent products on the market designed to provide the required amount of collagen protein, together with other supporting nutrients i.e vitamin C, copper, as well as some gelatine based foods, as used in the aforementioned study.

If you’re currently injured with a tendon (achilles), ligament (ACL) or bone injury, then you should consider taking one of these products daily to promote your recovery.

If you’d prefer a recipe to make the gelatine dessert-like options like jelly, mousse, or panna cotta, please drop me a message and I will happily share them and give advice on how to include them in your diet.

If you’re an athlete who is prone to injury, currently injured, or awaiting surgery, get in touch to discuss a nutrition strategy that is tailored to your needs, to reduce risk and maximize your recovery!

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